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​解決方案 | 遠距醫療



 Remote Health Care 


ThinkCloud Technology digitalizes the consent form signing process, letting patients or their family to sign remotely from anywhere.


SelfieSign for Healthcare Services


Digital Consent Form

Prepare, send, and sign in 3 easy steps. Keep track of all your documents anytime, anywhere, on any device.

System Integration

Seamlessly integrate the hospital's system and SelfieSign with RESTful API.

Sign from Anywhere

Eliminate unnecessary delays by allowing the patient's family to sign the consent form without being physically present at the hospital.

Traceable Legal Evidence

Documents signed with SelfieSign are backed by audit trails and audio-visual recordings of the signing process, ensuring their non-repudiation.

SDM Assist

SelfieSign improves doctor-patient relationship and reduce potential medical disputes by enhancing the process of providing medical information and understanding their medical choices, assisting in the process of Shared Decision Making.


SelfieSign meets and exceeds the most stringent global security standards such as the eIDAS regulations, the ISO 27001 international standard, and domestic e-signature laws

Paperwork made easy to focus on patient's care

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